Counselors in Training



CIT Movie Permission Form

Please enter name

I give permission for my child (named above) to play/watch The Quarry on June 16, 2022 with the Florida Elks Youth Camp as noted:

I understand that this game is rated M for mature. Rated for Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Mild Sexual Themes, and Strong Language. This game is a choose your own adventure horror style video game. The link included outlines reviews on the content of the game. We encourage that you read before providing approval.

By checking "YES" below, you are releasing the Florida Elks Youth Camp and its affiliates of guardianship and the mental, physical, and emotional liability to the above-named person.

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Please click the SUBMIT button only ONCE. Thank you.

Where are we located?
Florida State Elks Association, Inc.
24175 S.E. Hwy 450
PO Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784