State Membership Program Information and Forms
There's never been a better time to promote Membership in our Great Order! Let's pull out all the stops and work on every last delinquent member, sponsor a new member, invite and reinstate someone back, working together as one big Membership TEAM...we will see Florida with a GAIN in Membership this year!
If you need any help or have questions, please contact your State Vice Chairman for assistance.
Our contact info in in the Online Directory, under Member Resources. You must be registered to see the personal contact info.
The MEMBERSHIP Tool Kit from Rick Gathen, our GL Membership & Public Relations Manager, is on the Grand Lodge website at virtualmanuals.elks.org/membership-guide/.
There you will also find a wealth of information, along with videos, downloadable templatesand more!
Thank you and GOOD LUCK with your Membership Programs!
State Membership Committee