
The Florida State Elks Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation founded in 1904. It is a voluntary association of Elks Lodges and all Florida Lodges are eligible for membership.

The Association is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the immediate Past State President, five additional Past State Presidents, and the District Directors from each of the 14 districts in Florida. Day-to-day Association business is handled by the State Secretary who is appointed by the Board and whose office is located in the Grafton Center at the Florida Elks Youth Camp.

The Florida State Elks Association is the parent company for five corporations which it owns and administers. They are the Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services, Inc., Florida Elks Properties, Inc., Florida Elks Charities, Inc., Florida Elks Youth Camp, Inc., and the Harry-Anna Investment Fund, Inc., which provides funding for our major projects.