Training Trivia Quiz: 2021
Elks Training Quiz: 1
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 1, Section 1.140, Opinion 02
Ref: Grand Lodge Statutes Pertaining to the Board of Directors
No, they may stay with three.
Ref: Grand Lodge Statutes Pertaining to the Board of Directors.
change is necessary. Ref: Grand Lodge Statutes Pertaining to the Board of Directions.
The Corporate is limited to four Chair Officers and Trustees.
Ref: Grand Lodge Statutes Pertaining to the Board of Directors.
Ref: Grand Lodge Statutes Pertaining to the Board of Directors
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XIV, Section 14.030
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVII, Section 17.060
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinion 1
The Esteemed Loyal Knight.
Ref: Statutes, Section 8.090
Elks Training Quiz: 2
The Ritual
Ref: Constitution, Article 1, Opinions 01
Grand Secretary
Ref: Constitution and Statues, Chapter 5, Section 5.010
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 14, Section 14.010
e. All of the above
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, chapter 14, Section 14.010
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Section 13.190
False. Cannot vote by proxy.
Ref: Statutes, Section 3.090, Opinions 02
Mark F. Thompson. Lodge, DeLand, #1463
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.060, Opinions 02.
The Esquire
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.090
Under the spreading Antlers of Protection
Ref: Ritual of Local Lodges
Elks Training Quiz: 3
b. February
Ref: Ritual of Lodges, General Instructions, Past Exalted Ruler’s Night
They must be approved by the Grand Lodge.
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 2, Section 2.010
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 14, Section 14.010
Unless at least three Members of the Lodge object to the withdrawal.
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 14, Section 14.040.
d. All the above
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 14, Section 14.070
Robert’s Rules of Order
Statutes, Chapter 1, Section 1.130
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 3, Section 3.090, Opinions 02
House Committee is Administrative and Lodge privileges is a function performed by the Local forum
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 8, Section 8.010, Opinions 01
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 12, Section 12.020, Opinions 03
Ref: Statutes Chapter, 12, Section 12.030
Elks Training Quiz: 4
The Lodge By-Laws
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVII, Section 17.060, Opinion 4
Every five years minimum
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVII, Section 17.060
Elks Memorial and Flag Day
Ref: Statutes, Chapter II, Section 2.020 and 2.030
Esteem Leading Knight
Ref: Ritual of Local Lodges
Exalted Ruler, Esteem Leading, Loyal, Lecturing Knights Secretary, and Treasurer
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XIII, Local Lodge Committees, Section 13.010
T. Keith Mills
Grand Lodge
Ref: What It Means To Be An ELK, Structure of Grand Lodge, The Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge
Ref: What It Means To Be An ELK, Structure of Grand Lodge , Grand Exalted Ruler
Ref: Auditing and Accounting Manual, Chapter 2, Section 2-101 a. 3
The Grand Chaplain
Ref: Constitution, Article III, Section 2 (1)
Elks Training Quiz: 5
It goes back to the general fund at the end of the Elk year and are available for appropriation the following year.
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070
Past Exalted Ruler (in good standing) and who attends or shall have attended one Grand Lodge Session
Ref: Statutes, Chapter IV, Section 4.500
Grand Secretary
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 5.010
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 5.010, Opinion 5
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 12, Section 12.140
Robert’s Rules of Order
Ref: Statutes, Section 10.130
Ref: Statutes, Chapter III, Section 3.090, Opinion 02
The Past Grand Exalted Ruler in whose jurisdiction the visit is made.
Ref: Manual on Protocol. Invitations 1.Page 5
House Committee is Administrative and Lodge privileges is a Judicial function performed by the Local Form.
Ref: Statutes, Chapter VIII, Section 8.010, Opinion 01
A single action by a member may result in complaints to both the House Committee and the Local Forum, this will not constitute double jeopardy
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.020 Opinion 03
Decision 01. The Exalted Ruler has the power of removing a member from a committee or changing the membership of any Committee appointed by him at any time.
Elks Training Quiz: 6
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040
The Lodge By-Laws
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040
Not later than final regular meeting in April each year
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040, Opinion 02
No, This is clearly “out of order” as the Lodge has no control or direction over employment relationship
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040, Opinions 12
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040, Opinion 19
The House Committee
Ref: Statutes, Chapter 16.040, Opinion 06
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040, Opinion 11
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16,040, Opinion 16
Ten (10) days
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI Section 16.041
Elks Training Quiz: 7
All of the above
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.010, Opinions 05
Declare the Office vacant under the provisions of Section 12.140
A special Election may then be held under the provisions of Section 12.150
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.010, Opinions 07
When the Lodge does not specify investments, they are left to the sound discretion of the Board
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.70, Opinions 06
The signature of the remaining Board members is sufficient, as they are merely agents carrying out the will of the Lodge
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 12
The Board powers are always subject to the control of the Lodge
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 27
The Board of the Lodge
Ref: Statutes. Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 05
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 13
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 15
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Opinions 23
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.070, Decisions 03
Elks Training Quiz: 8
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.014, Opinions 01
Esteemed Leading Knight, Esteemed Loyal Knight, and Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.040
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.090
c. Esquire
Ref: Statutes, chapter XII, Section 12.090
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.040, Opinions 02
An alternate representative is elected by members thereof, from any of its Past Exalted Rulers or retiring Exalted Rulers
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article III, Section 4
No. The presiding Justice is merely a member of the Local Forum who presides over the Proceedings
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VI, Section 4
Esteem Leading Knight, Esteem Loyal Knight, and Esteem Loyal Knight
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VII, Section 1
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VII, Section 2
The Exalted Ruler does not
Ref: Statutes, Article VII, Local Lodges, Section 2, Opinions 02
Elks Training Quiz: 9
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.030, Decisions 01
When a Member persists in disruptive conduct during a Lodge meeting, Section 12.030 does not require a formal motion or open debate before the Exalted Ruler may require that Member to leave the Lodge room.
The Leading Knight
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.040
All Knights will assist in the performance of the Exalted Rulers duties and officiate in their rank.
February, March, and April.
Ref: Statues, Chapter XV, Section 12.070
The Grand Exalted Ruler or the DDGER may grant dispensation to omit or reschedule a regular meeting except February.
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XV, Section 15.040
No member shall be admitted to or excused from a Lodge room during the opening ceremonies, reading of the minutes, while a ballot is being taken upon an application for membership, during initiation or the closing ceremonies.
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.020 (c)
Ref: Auditing and Accounting Manual, Chapter 2, Sections 2-101 a. 3
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 2.060, Opinions 02
Ref: Statutes, chapter III, Section 3.090, Opinions 16
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVI, Section 16.040
Lodge By-Laws
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XVII, Section 17.060, Opinions 04