Congratulations to the Tampa Elks LOE on their 50th Anniversary! What a great achievement! Thank you for inviting Pauline Talbott and I. We had a great time!
On Friday 1/13/2023 EL-DOEs of Sebastian Elk’s #2714, treasurer Mary Ducharme, presented a check for $1200 to Sebastian Elementary. The donation was made to cover the cost of school uniforms for those in need.
Once a month, the St Pete Ladies run a Bunco game. Players pay $5 each, and the money is used to purchase Lodge gift cards, which are then given out as the prizes.
LOE Plant City Elks Lodge Every Day Blessings Christmas party
The Winter Garden Ladies Auxiliary played Santa on Sunday at Winter Garden Rehab and Nursing Center handing out blankets, cookies and books to some very sweet, appreciative guests! We even sang Jingle Bells with some of them!
We get so much more back from them just seeing their smiling, happy faces! Elks care and Elks share.
Thank you to the El-Doe's of the Sebastian Elks Lodge. Today, they presented us with a check for $1590.00 to go towards our Shop with a Cop program. There will be many children from our community who will benefit from this awesome donation this holiday season. Thank you again.
The first Wednesday of each month members of the St Pete Ladies of Elks Auxiliary meet at the lodge for 'Ladies who Lunch'!
The St Petersburg Ladies of Elks Auxiliary used proceeds from a fun Dollar Game Night to purchase desserts for nearly 200 Christmas Baskets to assist local families in need.
The Tallahassee Elketts and friendsworked in a beer booth at the Hulaween Festival in Live Oak at the Spirit of the Suwannee River Music Park. 11 volunteers worked from Noon to 2 AM for 3 days in a row. The Elketts earned a total of $8,200.00 at this event. (I was there but avoided the camera, lol). All of our workers donate all of their tips, in addition to the booth fee that the park pays to the Elkettes.