State accident prevention chairmen and Lodge accident prevention managers must continuously repeat the message about the safe service and use of alcohol. The membership was recently informed of a verdict totaling $28 million (including $10 million in punitive damages*) in a case involving a local
Pennsylvania Lodge; it was alleged that a non-Elks member was improperly served alcohol while attending an Elks sponsored function.
It is essential that Local Lodges properly control the service of alcohol. It is also crucial that Local Lodges recognize the primary reason they have a liquor license and maintain bar facilities, which is to provide the service of alcohol to Lodge members and their guests. Under no circumstances should Local Lodges view the service of alcohol as a commercial activity for service to the public.
It has been stated many times that no person approaching intoxication should ever be served (anyone who violates this policy should be terminated). Those serving alcohol should be trained to count the number of drinks provided to an individual; therefore, it is strongly recommended that all those involved in the service of alcohol—including volunteers—take a training course.
Service of Alcohol to Members and Guests
The service of alcohol is a privilege the Lodge extends to Members and their guests, not a means of revenue for the Lodge. Cutting off a Member or guest who is approaching intoxication is better than defending a multi-million dollar lawsuit.
Never serve anyone approaching intoxication;
Do not let others buy drinks for anyone who might be close to intoxication;
Stop service to anyone else if they will give drinks to anyone approaching intoxication;
No beer kegs, no pitchers and no coolers;
Remind Members/guests not to drink and drive;
Be observant while serving alcohol;
Encourage designated drivers;
Never permit BYOB;
Do not allow games/contests involving alcohol consumption;
An outdoor tent/bar must have a server;
Do not hold a “Happy Hour”;
Never discount prices to promote liquor sales;
“Last call” should be well before closing;
Insist on a taxi or a ride for anyone who drank too much; and
Members that have a problem need our help, now!