Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

1079 posters Page 1

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Orlando Elks Lodge member Carmen Acevedo oversaw the lodge’s Drug Awareness Education poster contest. Entries were numerous and unique. On Oct. 31, a dinner reception was held at the lodge for the winners and their families as well as for school personnel. The top lodge winners will move on in the contest. Acevedo describes the winning posters. “The artwork was really impressive, particularly looking into the bones of the skeleton. Little Jude (first place winner) had a great eye for detail and can really put in perspective the poison drugs can inflict on a body that eventually leads to death. Also, Derek depicted how a child must be strong to say ‘no thanks’ in a society where alcohol, pills, marijuana and drugs can be in your own home, school and community. Even the message 9-year-old Kamryn gave, ‘Tweet Yourself with Respect,’ is actually very clever and adorable at the same time. There was a tie and Riley had an incredible attention to detail in showing what a person can achieve if they were drug free.”

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