Principal Tagye of Gardendale School on Merritt Island in Florida asked Merritt Island Lodge if they could donate some T-shirts to the student body that would be used for uniforms. This school is the last chance for students who have gotten into trouble in traditional public schools in the county, and in many cases, it is a choice of expulsion or attending this facility, which is a Brevard Public School. The student body consists of approximately 125 students. However, because of the pandemic, the in-house attendance is about 50. Using $500 from the state association’s match of the $3,500 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant, Donn Sophia and his daughter, Sophia Sardella, delivered 200 T-shirts to the school Nov. 4. With budgets tight all over, Tagye was very appreciative to get the shirts for her students. She explained that the goal of this school is to have the students return to their previous school better prepared socially, emotionally and academically. They also teach some values so the students can be successful in life.
On Dec. 1, Port Orange Lodge assembled and installed moveable racks and shelving at First Step Homeless Shelter in Daytona, Florida. The hardware which amounted to $3,500 was purchased using the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. Pictured are George Brennan; Dan Mowbry, PER; Andy Berard; Don Clark, PER; William Post; and Larnard Felver, maintenance supervisor. Not pictured is Jerry Peterson, PER.
Ormond Beach Elks Lodge #2193 sponsors the Fun Time Bowlers each year using its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. Fun Time Bowlers is a bowling league for individuals with mental challenges and disabilities. The lodge pays for weekly bowling, T-shirts and medals. On Nov. 7, the following members are pictured at Ormond Lanes receiving an award from the group in appreciation of their support — John Andrews, Jackie Andrews, Bev Muscatello, Gerri Madden, Erica Barger, Bruce Card, Carl Muscatello, Sherman Burress and Donna Foisey.
Port Orange Elks Lodge #2723 held its monthly lunch at First Step Homeless Shelter in Daytona Beach, Florida, Nov. 7. Lodge members grill and serve the lunch and also donate items to present in gift bags to the residents. The food is purchased using funds from the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. Volunteers from DeLand Elks Lodge #1463 also assisted. Pictured in the front row are Isabel Harris, weekend kitchen director; Barbara Thompson; Debbie Nordgren; and Frank Kuczkowski, PER. Pictured in the back row are Dan Black; Gary VanOpdorp, PER, Exalted Ruler; Vickie Black; Paulette Hand; Michelle Greci; Gary Hand; and Mark Thompson, PDD.
On Oct. 7, Merritt Island Elks Lodge #2650 used its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to help a local learning institution purchase some badly needed computers for the teachers and students. The Brevard Private Academy in Merritt Island, Florida, is a school for kids who don’t fit into the public school system. This school keeps these kids from falling through the cracks and gives them the opportunity to get an education. Because the grant did not cover all the equipment needed, the lodge added an extra $1,686. Cheree Shaykhian, president of the academy, started to tear up as she thanked the lodge members and presented the lodge with a plaque. Pictured are Kim Johnson, Lodge Secretary; Shaykhian; and Jim Gregg, Exalted Ruler.