On Oct. 26, the Florida Forest Festival was held and Elroy the Elk (lodge member Paul Miller Jr.) was in the parade, much to the delight of the kids in attendance. The lodge was also pleased to host the return of the Mr. & Mrs. Tourist for the Florida Forest Festival. Mr. & Mrs. Tourist were picked from the visiting RV campers for the past year. They attended the downtown events Friday night, rode in the parade Saturday morning, received the key to the city from the mayor, and were honored guests at the Florida Forest Festival Elks ball.
Thanksgiving food baskets were prepared by Perry Lodge and distributed by Taylor County United. Seven baskets were loaded with nonperishable items and each basket included a $50 gift card for purchase of additional food. The lodge also sent six gifts to the Lake City VA Domiciliary for Thanksgiving and bought clothes and toys for 16 children in Taylor County.