On Oct. 8, the Eustis Anna Miller Circle #1578 hosted its charity fashion show, featuring outfits from local boutique Fashion Labels. Each model showed three outfits. For lunch, each Anna Miller member was asked to bring their favorite salad. The event had 100 guests and eight models and helpers, with salads to spare! Proceeds of more than $1,300 will go to Florida Elks Children's Therapy Services, the Florida Elks Youth Camp and other charities that serve women and children in need. Elvis impersonator and Elk member Tom McCarroll made an appearance at the event as well.
Pictured are models Doris Stemmer, Sylvia Laramee, Anita Ring (guest from Summerset Assisted Living Center), Beverly Dufresne, Anna Boykin, Kathy Mitchell, Vicki Mercadante and Kristina Cline, along with Elvis (Tom McCarroll).