On Feb. 22, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 hosted a community baby shower funded through the Elks National Foundation Spotlight Grant. The lodge partnered with the community including schools and health clinics to reach out to new mothers. Nineteen volunteers helped guests feel welcome, and each new mom received gifts including a diaper bag, diapers, toys, bibs, bottles and a variety of door prizes. Lunch was provided and there were games as well. Each mom also received a home library of eight books to support their child's early literacy learning. Therapists Rae Montgomery and Melanie Sarris from Florida Elks Children's Therapy Services, Sergeant Kim Miller from Green Cove Springs Police Department, and Jennifer Parker, Green Cove Springs Library branch manager, were on hand to provide informational resources to the families. Pictured are new moms having lunch with Jennifer Parker, Rae Montgomery and Melanie Sarris.