Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

221 cert

On July 27, Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 presented a certificate of honor to Duval Asphalt, an American-owned and Jacksonville-based company for properly flying the American flag. Duval Asphalt displays the largest flag in Jacksonville, and it is a significant icon in the city. Its presence commands immediate attention from those driving nearby and Naval aviation pilots flying into NAS Jacksonville. This company routinely replaces the flag to keep a crisp, beautiful flag displayed at all hours, and the flag’s presence instills patriotism and pride in workers at Duval Asphalt and other nearby businesses.

Pictured are Ralph DeCicco, PER; Karen Tracy, Veterans Chair; Mitchell Gant, Duval Asphalt VP; Paul Jergensen Duval Asphalt president; Bob Morgan, Flag Day Chair; Jennifer Garrett, Duval Asphalt director of marketing and business development; Tony Langals, Inner Guard and Americanism Committee member; Carla Ray Rhymes, Americanism Chair; Eli Smith, future Elk; Kayla Smith, lodge member; and Robin Pipkins, Leading Knight.