Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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Florida Elks News Online

497 golf Course Picture

   497 golf Darrell  497 golf

Pensacola Beach Lodge held a golf tournament Sept. 10 at Hidden Creek Golf Club in Navarre, Florida. A total of 140 golfers participated, including members, nonmembers, friends of members and sponsors, and raised more than $29,000 for the lodge’s charity account. Charities that will benefit from the tournament include Boy Scouts of America, Santa Rosa Kid’s House, Gulf Coast Kid’s House, The Miracle League, Favor House, Bill Bond Baseball, AHERO, Weekend Food Program, Children in Crisis, Salvation Army, Bethany Christian Services, Children’s Home Society, ARC Gateway, USO of Northwest Florida, Council on Aging, Pensacola Beach Elementary School, Army of Hope, Family Fishing Rodeo and Kids Fishing Rodeo. More than 40 volunteers assisted to make the tournament a success. Special events included a hospitality tent, raffle, silent auction, hole-in-one prizes, putting contest and several specialty holes. Awards were given for the top three teams, longest drive and closest to the pin. “I would like to personally thank everyone who came out on this beautiful day to help us raise money for our designated charities. We could not have had such a huge success without the community’s involvement, the golfers and all our volunteers,” remarked Darrell Gossett, tournament chair.

The group picture was taken before the tournament. Also pictured are Gossett as well as member Gary Booker with Dan Smith, Exalted Ruler.