Florida Keys Lodge participated in the large annual Nautical Flea Market in the upper Keys. The Rotary provides a free booth to all charitable organizations and the lodge used the opportunity to promote their upcoming annual ladies dolphin fishing tournament June 7-8 which benefits various charities. All members wore Elks T-shirts and sold tickets for the raffle item which will be drawn during the tournament. Lodge members also distributed information about Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services and the Florida Elks Youth Camp and handed out membership applications. There were several thousand people in attendance for the two-day event.
On March 2, Florida Keys Lodge held their biggest fundraiser for the quarter with a Blues Brothers theme spearheaded by member Joyce Musselman. There were 265 tickets sold. Fifteen students from Coral Shores High School helped serve dinner and dessert at the event to earn some of their community service requirements. The lodge made $9,083 for various charities including scholarships, veterans, the Florida Elks Youth Camp and Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services.
Florida Keys Lodge donated $1,500 to Voices for Florida Keys Children through the Guardian Ad Litem program. It will help provide funds for foster children’s needs that are not provided by state funding. Pictured are Susan Raffanello, president of Voices for Florida Keys Children; Dennis Tarbell, Exalted Ruler; and Sandi Webb, Guardian Ad Litem’s child advocate manager. This donation was made possible through the Elks National Foundation Anniversary Grant.
Florida Keys Lodge collected donations during January for the Coral Shores High School food pantry. Pictured are Ruth and Lee Huenniger, Shirley and Carl Mikuletzky, Hollis Krutulis, and senior students Shane Dunleavy and Tara Amador.
Denny Tarbell, on behalf of Florida Keys Lodge, presented a check for $2,000 to Coral Shores High School vice principal, Anna Alvaro; student government president, Katie Robinson; and vice president, Billy Butler. The donation is for the needy kids fund which helps purchase items such as graduation caps and gowns plus many other essentials needed for students attending high school. The donation was made possible through the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant. The lodge also collected donations during January for the Coral Shores food pantry as well.