Clewiston Elks Lodge #1853 partnered with the local United Cerebral Palsy Foundation Chapter (UCP) to plan and deliver an unforgettable Christmas experience for local clients with cerebral palsy. UCP staff members helped their clients write their Christmas wish list to Santa. Clewiston Elks then displayed the wish lists on an Angel Tree, and members to selected a list to shop for that client. Within a week, all of the lists were selected, and within another few weeks, all of the Secret Santas returned with many gifts for the clients. On Dec. 20, the Elks invited the UCP clients and Secret Santas to dinner and to visit with the real Santa. Each of the UCP clients got to visit individually with Santa and received a stocking full of goodies before receiving their wish list gifts. Linda Allen, lodge trustee, chaired the event. Lodge member Renaldy Tapia, aka DJ Rey, provided music for the event.
Pictured with Santa (member Mike O’Rourke) are UCP clients Clarence “Sweetie Boy” Harmon and Ruth Bailey.