Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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Florida Elks News Online

2817 ant 2817 ant 2

On Feb. 11, Viera Elks Lodge #2817 held a steak dinner, at which the lodge’s Antlers members served and helped clean up. In addition, they gave each lady in attendance a red rose that they purchased from their own budget. On March 25, Viera Lodge held a joint installation ceremony for lodge officers, followed by Antlers lodge officers. “It was the most well-attended installation ceremony I have seen in 47 years of Elkdom. These youngsters are truly the future of our order,” said Jerry Harrington, Exalted Ruler.

Pictured are three of the members who helped serve the February dinner — Jake Vargas, Ronald Adlin and Janey Vargas. Also pictured are the 2023-2024 Viera Antlers new officers.