Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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1727f 1727p

On Sept. 11, Plant City Elks Lodge #1727 honored first responders by bringing them lunch. Manny Rousso, owner of The Wooden Spoon, and Ryan Danielik, managing partner of The Outback Steakhouse, both lodge members, prepared the food. Fire Rescue Deputy Chief of Administration, Timothy Mossgrove, said the Elks “are amazing community partners. They support Fire and Rescue 100 percent. For them to think of us on such a memorial day of 9/11, to bring us lunch for all the crews at the department, is absolutely amazing. We really appreciate it.”

Pictured at the fire station are Captain Jeff Griggs; firefighters Cameron Hall and Corrin Pizzo; Captain Jason Mesa; firefighters William Sosa and Joseph Mitchell; Judy Wise, Exalted Ruler; Ed Wise, Leading Knight; and firefighter James Lee.

Pictured at the police department are Captain Ward; Shannon Gay, front receptionist; Howard Whitehead, operations; Deputy Chief Duralia; Ed Wise, Leading Knight; Captain Van Dyuane; Judy Wise, Exalted Ruler; and Officer Culmer.