On July 3, Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 participated in a dedication of a refrigerator to the Hands for Homeless organization in Avon Park, Florida. This nonprofit organization started the community fridge program to meet the needs on a 24-7 basis of those who are homeless and food deprived in Highlands County. The lodge used funds from its Elks National Foundation Gratitude and Spotlight grants, totaling $4,000, to purchase the refrigerator and other supplies for those in need. Local chef Jacob Lyons provides takeout meals daily which are kept in the refrigerator. Dairy products and other items that need to be kept cool are also stocked in it. It is cleaned once a day and restocked three times a day. A dry goods pantry storage is available as well, and a pallet of food is kept nearby that varies daily and does not require refrigeration. Hands for Homeless runs the program and purchased a building in Avon Park and the refrigerator and pantry are located in the parking lot under a covered and well-lit area. Some lodge members continue to help restock supplies and also deliver meals to those who are shut in. Approximately 20 members attended the dedication. During the event, lodge members Rob Lipscomb and Stacy Hill and their daughter, Jayce, stock the pantry and Carlie Stockenberg, daughter of member Joe, stocks the refrigerator and photographs the event.