Sebring Lodge participated in this year’s Americanism essay contest, with the theme of "What the Bill of Rights Means to Me." Woodlawn Elementary and Sebring Middle School participated. The winners were given a check of $75 for first, $50 for second and $25 for third place, and the teachers were given a $25 Amazon gift card.
Pictured from Woodlawn are Jerry Wright, principal; Johnathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler; Adelyn Judah, second place; Janelle Tenneson, third place; Nytaria Worrell, first place; members Diane Morse and Donna Howerton; Andrea McHargue, teacher; and Christine Gilbert, assistant principal.
Pictured from Sebring Middle sixth grade are Wainetta Holmes, PER; Joseph Scheipsmeier, third place; Claire Brooker, first place; Lucia Guillen, second place; Tammy Goins, teacher; and members Donna Howerton and Diane Morse.
Pictured from Sebring Middle seventh grade are Wainetta Holmes, PER; Gracelyn Cummings, first place; Jadyn Young, third place; Eli Raulerson, second place; Kara Williams, teacher; and members Donna Howerton and Diane Morse.
Pictured from Sebring Middle eighth grade are Tammy Williams, teacher; Donna Howerton, member; Kylie Measner, second place; Garret Bihl, first place; and Diane Morse, member. Not pictured is Yurali Mendoza, third place.
During its annual eggnog party Dec. 9, Sebring Lodge made a special presentation to two local JROTC cadets, who were chosen based on their love of country as well as their dedication to their respective JROTC units. Representing Avon Park was Captain Riley Stivala with sponsor Jacob Williams, Master Sergeant USAF (ret.). Representing Sebring was Cadet Lt. Col. Eric Schneider with sponsor Dennis Green, Chief Master Sergeant USAF (ret.). Pictured with them is Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler. More than 80 people were in attendance as well as the cadets' families. The presentation consisted of a check for $75, an Elks JROTC pin and an Elk certificate.
Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 held the eighth annual Juan Rosado & Ken Hedges Memorial Golf Tournament Sept. 30 at Sun ‘n Lake Golf Club, sponsored by Alan Jay. There was a total of 144 golfers, and proceeds went to the lodge main account but $1,000 of this went into the lodge charity account. Tim Baker chaired the tournament committee. The community responded by sponsoring the tournament or a hole, providing teams and liquid refreshments, and donating prizes. The event began Friday night with a mixer at the lodge, along with raffles and a 50/50. In the morning, the Sebring High JROTC presented the colors.
Pictured are Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler, welcoming the golfers, and Jason Beatty, the club’s golf pro.
On Oct. 2, Sebring Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler, Jonathan Spiegel, and PER Wainetta Holmes thanked the charity bingo players for their continued support of Hands for Homeless by donating food each week. Hands for Homeless is a nonprofit organization in Avon Park, Florida, which provides hot meals, food items, and clothing and toiletry items to community members in need or who are homeless.
Pictured are members Jonathan Spiegel and Diane Morse, Rev. Bill Breylinger and member Billy Brown loading food into a van.
On June 14, Arcadia Elks Lodge #1524 partnered with St. Edmunds Episcopal Church this year to celebrate Flag Day, as the lodge is still undergoing repairs due to Hurricane Ian. The event was open to the public, and the BSA troop, sponsored by Amvets Post #60, displayed the seven flags depicting the flag’s evolution.
Pictured are the lodge officers in the ceremony: Sam McLeod; Mary Kay Burns; Brian Burns, PSP; Robert Vaughn, PER; Nancy Higginbotham, PDD; Marilyn May; and Bill May.