Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

On the third Monday of the month from April through September, St. Petersburg Lodge donated the use of its pool to Boy Scout Troop #334 and averaged 30-36 participants. On the third Tuesday of the month from April through September, Boy Scout Troop #305 used the pool and averaged 13-15 participants. Both troops not only held their meetings pool side but also swam in order to earn their swim merit badges. The goal is to teach scouts to swim with greater ease and efficiency as well as to keep them safe in and around the water. To earn the Eagle Scout award, a scout must earn a swimming, cycling or hiking merit badge.

St. Petersburg Lodge also donated the use of their pool on alternating Thursdays from April through September to St. Petersburg’s Police Athletic League (PAL) youth programs on a monthly basis. An average of 25-27 at-risk youth had a kids day at the pool during each visit. St. Petersburg’s PAL mission is crime prevention through athletics. PAL serves youth ages 5-18 through various programs and creates a safe space for youth to develop healthy lifestyles, foster good relationships with law enforcement and prevent crime.