Tampa Lodge’s Oct. 23 Club Chivalry meeting of 27 students at Robinson High School began with Carolyn Miller handing out raffle tickets for two $25 gift cards, like they do for each meeting — one at first bell to encourage the students to arrive on time and one at last bell so they stay until the end. Shelagh Gombarcik, PLP and Tommy Moore distributed the beverages and Betty Orcutt, Bonnie Atwood and Elma Kelly handled the treats. Robert Maloney tallied the club officer election results, which had an overwhelming majority — president, Jordan, 11th grade, pictured with Tommy Moore; vice president, Miah, 11th grade; secretary, Jaiden, 9th grade; and public relations, Markeria, 9th grade. The meeting also included team building games and the distribution of club T-shirts. Several students even wandered in to ask how they could join.