Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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On Nov. 13 and Dec. 11, Tampa Lodge held Club Chivalry meetings at Robinson High School. This year’s members are students in ninth and 11th grade and selected by Ms. Morman, assistant principal of administration. Because of the two-year gap, November’s meeting included team building. At the December meeting, pizza was served while lodge member Senior Master Sargeant Sam Washington, retired, spoke about his career in the Ari Force. He had been headed for a professional basketball career but was worried about being drafted into the Army. After hearing about the benefits of a 20-year career, he signed up for the Air Force. By the time he retired, he had three daughters and had a home in south Tampa. Following his retirement, he served another career as a police officer, mainly working at the airport. The students were attentive and asked some good questions. Washington is a 2023 participant in the Florida State Elks Association’s Historical Programs Parade of Heroes.

Pictured is Sam Washington speaking to the students.