Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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Florida Elks News Online

708 water

On Sept. 18, Tampa Elks Lodge #708, led by member and camp volunteer Shannon Wheatly, used part of the lodge’s Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to host a water safety day for the campers and staff at Camp Idlewild of Florida. This is a new camp for children with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum. They have weeklong sessions during the summer and weekend sessions during the rest of the year. The morning began with the 16 campers receiving drug awareness information, and Paul DeLand, Exalted Ruler, giving a short speech explaining why the Elks always care. The Elks provided the camp with life jackets in child and adult sizes, safety lines with buoys and anchors, and sunblock. They also provided lifeguard supplies including hats, vests, whistles and rescue tubes. The Elks also brought in a water safety instructor from the YMCA, Hannah Davis, to teach all the campers and staff how to keep things safe in both the lake and the pool. After the lessons, all the kids jumped into the lake or the nearby individually owned swimming pool to check out the supplies. The campers spent about two hours at the waterfront before transitioning back to the main camp to get cleaned up for a barbecue which was also provided, cooked and served by the Elks. The event ended with birthday cupcakes to honor camp founder, Eileen Roach.

Pictured are campers in the lake supervised by lifeguards.