Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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Florida Elks News Online

1719 cops

On Nov. 28, Tarpon Springs Elks Lodge #1719 used its $6,000 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to support the Tarpon Springs Cops ‘n Kids program with a fun day at the youth center, put on by 20 Elks volunteers. The program is a free after-school program committed to empowering children and teens for lifelong success and greater quality of life. Officer Quinones of the Tarpon Springs Police Department is the program director. At the event, each child was given a personal hygiene kit and a lunchbox to fill with healthy snacks and drinks. The children made thank-you cards for veterans, worked on arts and crafts, and enjoyed pizza. Chief Young from the Tarpon Springs Police Department was also at the event. Bob Gorby, PER presented Officer Quinones an Elks appreciation award and two checks — one for $1,500 for the program for children with special needs and one for $1,500 for sports equipment needed at the center.

Pictured are Paula Twaits, grant chair; Lee Twaits; Officer Quinones; Carol Janisz; Chief Young; Nancy Gorby and Bob Gorby.