Zephyrhills Lodge has been furnishing veterans’ homes since 2019. On May 12, Army veteran Aaron Harrison moved in to his new home in Tampa, Florida, which he obtained with help from the HUD VASH program. The Zephyrhills Lodge Veterans Committee has been working with this program. Harrison is the 253rd veteran to have his home furnished by the lodge. Member Jim Cross, volunteer Howard Lundsford, and Ken Fabiani, PER, assisted with the move.On May 15, Navy veteran Bernard Lewis was the 254th veteran whose Tampa home was furnished by the lodge. All furniture and items were purchased with more than $3,500 through the Elks National Foundation Welcome Home Kit. Assisting in the move were volunteers Howard Lundsford and Nick Stritzinger and Ken Fabiani, PER. On May 24, veteran Vincent Chisholm, with help from his caseworker from HUD VASH and lodge member Larry Decena and volunteer Howard Lundsford, moved in to his new home in south Tampa, furnished by the lodge. On May 26, Marine veteran Ismael Rodriguez is the 258th veteran to have a new home furnished, after receiving his house with help from St. Vincent de Paul.
Pictured is Ismael Rodriguez.