On Feb. 26, Hollywood West Lodge used its $4,000 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to present $500 each to eight charitable organizations: Davie Police Athletic League; Hollywood Police Athletic League; Broward Children Center; Hope Outreach Center; Scouting America South Florida Council; Boys and Girls Club of Hollywood, Florida; Vietnam Vets in Fort Lauderdale; and WOW Center of Miami. These organizations provide services to children in need, the elderly and veterans of the community.
Recipients and Elks pictured are Davie Officer Diego Torres, Tywon Jones, Officer Bryan Kalish, Serenity Meacham, PDD Jim Blanchard, Arlene Peterson, Crystal Kuras, George Mutlos, PER Paul Houser, Ken Kolakowski, Exalted Ruler Gina Albright, Jeffrey Burger, David Perez, Steve Kuras, Officer Patrick Agenor, and Barbara Blanchard.