Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

Smith Mike GER

Welcome, 2025! I hope everyone had a joyful holiday season and may you have a happy and great 2025. We are in the home stretch of our lodge year and our Florida State Elks Association officers are counting on you to finish strong. State President Russ and first lady Denise have traveled our state “Exemplifying Elkdom” with vigor. Let’s all show our appreciation to them and the committee members for their dedication. Our order’s goal is to have another gain in membership, setting an unprecedented record. You are a vital part of the effort to achieve this landmark. Please approach those who have not renewed and inspire them to continue their support to allow us to help others. Ask a friend to come find out what we are about.

Once again, Carl Seibert, COO/State Secretary, and his staff hosted a fabulous midyear convention in St. Petersburg. There was a time to learn, a time to engage and a time to enjoy gathering with friends. Thank them when you see them. We also need to show our appreciation to Colleen Gallant, FECTS Director, and her team of therapists who continue to grow and improve one of our major projects. Please recognize and thank Nick Miller, FEYC Director, for continuing to make our youth camp the best camp in America. We thank Dan Masi for his continued dedication in helping the FSEA become Loud, Proud and Visible. Dan is also working with Colleen on a potential third major project as we navigate our way into autism testing. It should make you very proud to be a member of the Florida State Elks Association!

Please show your appreciation for the many years of service and unyielding dedication Carl Seibert, COO/State Secretary, has given our association. Carl has chosen to continue supporting our order in a different capacity. Carl will be assuming the office of the Grand Secretary/COO in February 2025. Give Carl your support and best wishes as he certainly deserves the acknowledgement. Carl, huge thanks for all you have done for the FSEA!

Mark your calendars and make plans to join us at our February quarterly and help welcome our Grand Exalted Ruler, Doug Schiefer, and first lady Julia. They are from Ohio and are doing an excellent job showing “Elkdom’s Heart for America.”

As we approach our new lodge year, I encourage all of you to carefully select the officers and committeepersons, as they will determine your level of success in the lodge.

Bob Grafton, PNP; Sandra and I look forward to watching the FSEA grow and prosper. We ask that God bless us all and our United States of America.

Michael F. Smith, PNP

State Sponsor

Florida State Elks Association