Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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708 jrotc

On April 26, Tampa Lodge Veterans Chair, José Rémon, presented the Elk medal, bar and certificate to Cadet Jaydaliz Cruz from Robinson High School JROTC. Cadet Cruz was selected for this award because of her proven leadership in academics, community service projects and maintaining the highest standards in all fields of endeavor. 


During March and April, New Port Richey Elks Lodge #2284 collected numerous pieces of formal wear, shoes, jewelry and accessories and donated them to the Cinderella and Prince Charming Project. High school students who would not be able to afford to attend their prom because of the cost of the attire were invited to shop for their outfits at a local facility free of charge.


708 club

On April 13, Tampa Elks Lodge treated the Club Chivalry graduating seniors to a special luncheon at Fred’s Country Buffet. There were 21 students and three Elks in attendance. Before leaving, the Elks presented honor cords, which are worn during graduation, to the club officers, and Ms. Hand presented honor cords to the students who had been in her Avid class for four years.

 The group is pictured in front of the restaurant.


1912 award

Holiday Isles Lodge donated the use of its banquet room to the Santa’s Angels organization to host its annual volunteer awards ceremony. The lodge does this every year for them. The lodge received a sponsorship award for their yearly donation.

Pictured are lodge members Rich DeBlasio, Mike Brown, Paula DeBlasio and Sandra Gann.


1912 golf

On March 7, Holiday Isles Lodge donated $1,000 from its charity account for a golf tournament sponsorship held by the Military Order of the World Wars and the Military Officers Association of America to benefit the Pinellas County Schools’ JROTC units.

Pictured are Noreen Hodges; LTC Steve Hodges, retired, MOWW and MOAA member and tournament chair; Paula DeBlasio and Bob Behm, lodge members; and LTC David Mason, MOWW.  


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On Feb. 23, Holiday Isles Elks Lodge #1912 presented a $5,520 donation to the Seminole High School Color Guard (SHSCG). These students have been servers for lodge events since they were in middle school. The lodge learned of a shortage in their annual donations and donated $5,000 from the charity account. The rest was donated by lodge members.

Pictured during a practice session for a state competition are color guard members Sophia Ridge, Gracie Evans, Lauren Basara, Arianna Rosado, Aubrey Murray, Selene Levith, Savannah Smith, Ava Engelberger, Hailey Westfall, Ella Picion, Maddie Vinci, Christina Hills, Tanner Diederich, Arianna Sterling and Courtney Kirouac. Also pictured are Paul Smith, incoming Exalted Ruler; Rhonda Smith, PER, District Vice President-elect; and members Regan Zink and Kristin Baker.