On May 5 during Youth Week, the lodge honored Ismeny Ramirez, a Club Chivalry student at Robinson High School, as Teenager of the Year. She is a junior who is dual enrolled at Hillsborough Community College, has a weighted grade-point average of 4.65, is president of the Spanish Club, and was just awarded Student of the Year in Business Technology.
Rita Smith, Exalted Ruler, is pictured presneting the award to Ismeny Ramirez.
On April 26th, Rita Smith, Exalted Ruler of Tampa Elks Lodge #708, attended an AFJROTC award night banquet for the Plant High School squadron. There were approximately 200 people in attendance, including cadets, parents and community leaders presenting awards. The cadet selected by the school to receive the Elks Award of JROTC Excellence was Cadet Sage Stark. Sage is a sophomore and has made significant contributions to the goals of the Plant High School AFJROTC by maintaining a 4.0 unweighted grade-point average while earning 65 service hours with the JROTC and 35 outside service hours. He is a member of five honor societies, including Kitty Hawk, and participates in multiple extracurricular activities. He is also an Eagle Scout from Troop 53 who held his Eagle ceremony at the lodge.
Though several schools, scout troops and other youth groups were solicited, Tampa Lodge only received Drug Awareness poster contest entries from BridgePrep K-8 Academy. Seventeen posters were submitted from two grades. In lieu of participation certificates, Tommy Moore, Lodge Drug Awareness Chair, decided to treat the students to ice cream. They were released from class to have their snack outside. In addition, the lodge donated $100 to the school, which will be applied to their Black History Month budget shortfall.
Pictured March 24 is Tommy Moore delivering the ice cream and donation to Christine Harris, principal and lodge member. The students are pictured March 25 enjoying their reward.
On Feb 26, Tampa Lodge hosted BSA Troop 22’s Eagle Court of Honor for Jason Binette. In attendance were approximately 60 scouts and family members. Frank Smith presented a certificate of honor from Moose Zi International, and George Hilficker, Tampa Lodge House Committee Chair, presented a certificate from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Pictured is Jason Binette with his father, Dan Binette, Troop 22’s assistant scoutmaster.
On March 23, Tampa Lodge donated the remaining $1,225 of its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to Camp Idlewild of Florida Inc. Part of these funds were applied to a water safety course. Because the camp has only been open a year, they have a lot of projects that still need funding, so the camp owner, Eileen Roach, indicated that the rest will be used to start a major item on their wish list — building a tepee near the entrance of the property. Camp Idlewild focuses on overnight camping for children with disabilities, particularly those on the autism spectrum.
Pictured are Eileen Roach, Camp Idlewild of Florida's founder, and Shannon Wheatley, lodge Beacon Grant project manager.
In conjunction with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Tampa Lodge held its first pet adoption event and pet show Feb. 5. They funded it using an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant. Elks and members of the community showed off their pets, and dogs and cats walked the runway to compete for prizes in various categories such as Fluffiest Pet, Friendliest Pet and Best Animal Trick. Every pet attendee was given an Elks “Adopt, Don’t Shop” bandana and treats, and refreshments were served to pet owners and volunteers. Three Tampa Humane Society handlers brought three dogs who were up for adoption and one of the handlers spoke about the services that the Humane Society provides and the importance of spaying and neutering pets. Member Mike Volpe put a hold on one of these dogs and the next morning, he took his dog to meet her to make sure they got along. When they did, he took Dottie home to join his family. The pet contests were interspersed with guest speakers and pet trivia. Gift cards were awarded for the pet contests and there was a prize table for the trivia winners. All remaining gifts and funds were donated to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Members also donated hundreds of pounds of dog and cat food and other supplies to the Humane Society. Approximately 35 people attended the event along with 11 dogs and two cats.
Pictured are a Humane Society representative with the adoptable dogs, Mike Volpe with his new dog, and member Richard Whizenhut and his silver Lab Jenny.