Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

1529 car

1529 car2  1529 car3

Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 held a car show which not only helped the lodge raise funds to help them through the pandemic but it also garnered new member applications. The show was held Jan. 23 with 45 cars participating. Jacquie Rehner, PDD from East Polk Elks Lodge won second place with her '68 Camaro. Five attendees completed applications and several more took applications home to complete. There was food and music, beautiful weather and fantastic fellowship. The event was created and chaired by Stacy Hill and Christy Spiegel with at least 20 Elk volunteers. Pictured are Lauren Spiegel, Jayce Graham as Elroy, and Carlie Stockenberg, all daughters of members, and Jacquie Rehner with her winning car.


1529 highlands

Deputy Ben Jones and K-9 Gentry were honored Dec. 21 at the Highlands County Sheriff's Office with the first responder-law enforcement award by Sebring Lodge. They were honored for their record of good work, particularly their role in the seizure of 554 grams of heroin, 450 grams of cocaine, 99.6 grams of fentanyl and more than 1,000 illegal prescription pills during a traffic stop. The total seizure was worth $120,000 on the street. Pictured are Judy Hanson, PER; Wainetta Holmes, Exalted Ruler; Deputy Jones and Gentry; Sheriff Paul Blackman; and K-9 Unit Sgt. Scott Williams. His mother, sister and two brothers attended as well.


1524 food table

1524 food table 2

Arcadia Elks Lodge #1524 used its $3,500 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to purchase food for those in need this holiday season. A drive-thru food drive was held Dec. 19 at the lodge, and for those who had no transportation, groceries were delivered to their homes. Jackie Hughes, PER, trustee, said, “It was a beautiful day and so rewarding! Numerous Elks helped with the shopping, bagging food and distributing everything. What a terrific turnout.”


2383 Linda Craft with grandchildren 002

Brandon Lodge held its annual event chaired by Marionette Sexton, Loyal Knight, in which members adopt children of families to shop for items on their wish list as well as for clothing, shoes and toys. Any money donated by members is used to purchase these additional gifts. This year, 12 families with a total of 25 children in need of a merry Christmas were adopted by members. This event is a tradition for the lodge that members look forward to each year as a way to be involved with the families in their community. The lodge also makes sure a complete Christmas dinner is provided to each family. On Dec. 16 to the backdrop of Christmas music played by a volunteer DJ, members wrapped the gifts. Once everything was wrapped and the dinners were put together for delivery, some of the families stopped by to pick up their packages and to interact with the members. The other families’ packages were delivered to them by Sexton and other members. “It truly was a joyful event watching members wrapping the gifts, talking about their own Christmas festivities and memories. You can feel the joy of making sure a child’s Christmas wishes come true. It just feels like Christmas!” says Mary Lou Scribner, PER, lodge member and District Reporter. Sexton’s grandchildren attended the event to wrap gifts and help wherever needed. “What a great way to teach our youth, our future Elks, to be involved and volunteer in their community and to help bring happiness to anyone in need,” Scribner adds. Pictured are member Linda Craft with her grandchildren.


   1291 Kids Party  1291 Elroy 002

On Dec. 19, Lakeland Lodge held its annual Boys and Girls Club Christmas party while practicing safe social distancing and mask-wearing by everyone. The event included games, crafts, pony rides, fishing, tattoos, a pizza lunch, and a visit from Elroy the Elk and Santa. Funds of $1,500 from the Elks National Foundation and donations from members were used for this event. The lodge gave gifts to the 27 children who attended, and members also provided more than $2,000 worth of gifts and toys from participating in the lodge’s Angel Tree. Pictured are members Carl Hutchcraft and Alice Murray helping with crafts and John McArthur aka Elroy.

Lakeland Lodge also provided much needed assistance for the Toys for Tots Drive. They collected batteries and donated $1,500.