Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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In late December, Tampa Elks Lodge #708 was awarded the Elks National Foundation Impact Grant for the fifth year for their program at a local high school where they sponsor an authorized school club, Club Chivalry for Successful Students. They purchased computers for the Avid classroom which is where most students come in contact with the club sponsor. The students receive T-shirts and school supplies to help them succeed. During the year they provide refreshments and Elks give motivational speeches at the eight club meetings held during the school year. Elks also chaperone and provide refreshments for field trips year-round and fully sponsor two field trips in the spring and an on-campus field trip in the fall. 

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 Tampa Lodge member John Flowers speaks to Club Chivalry members about his career in sports television Nov. 18 prior to a field trip to Steinbrenner Field where the Yankees minor league team plays and the spring training field) to learn about careers in sports. 

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Club Chivalry students use computers provided by Tampa Lodge’s Elks National Foundation Impact Grant.


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Thanks to the Elks National Foundation Promise Grant worth $2,500 plus lodge members donating $775 in new Christmas toys, St. Petersburg Lodge continued its tradition of serving their neighbors in need at Christmastime. With the grant and deep discounts from Walgreens, lodge volunteers went Christmas shopping for educational toys, electronic cars, soft and cuddly toys, diapers, clothing, and much more for newborns to 10-year-olds. Children ages 4-10 also received drug awareness activity books and their parents received drug awareness materials. The party was held Dec. 7 and included “elk” reindeer games, sugar cookie decorating, a balloon artist and various designs of colorful Christmas tattoos. Along with children and grandchildren of lodge members, the lodge also invited several organizations in Pinellas County that the lodge has adopted in the last few years. Attending the party were kids from the Children’s Village, MYcroSchool Pinellas, Sallie House and Westgate Elementary. Lunch was served not only to the 120 kids in attendance but also to the 130 parents and grandparents. Santa and Mrs. Claus spent time with each child and gave them specially selected toys. Receiving a gift during the holidays is a profound reminder to the children that others care for them no matter their circumstances. For the day, everyone was one large family celebrating the joys of the season.

Children’s Village is a Salvation Army program that helps families in crisis or extreme hardship situations who are having difficulties taking care of their children and also provides long-term and alternative care for children who are no longer able to live with their parents. MYcroSchool Pinellas is a tuition-free public charter high school for students ages 16-21 in St. Petersburg, Fla., who are at risk of dropping out. Attending were teenage and young adult students from the school with their toddlers. Sallie House is a safe haven for children from infants to 17 years of age who have been removed from their home because of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Westgate Elementary School in St. Petersburg serves 613 students and of those, 318 receive free lunch because of their family’s situation.


On Nov. 23, St. Petersburg Lodge donated $420 to Dixie Hollins baseball team to thank the team members for assisting during a lodge event. According to coaches Ralph Rogers and Dave Neverline, the money will be used toward the purchase of an “L” screen and a batting cage. 


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On Nov. 24, St. Petersburg Lodge donated $3,645 to the non-profit Music Sweet Music Inc. (MSM). A $750 check was given to provide music therapy by a board certified music therapist to an 8-year-old boy who not only has a speech and language disability but also has other special needs. The donation will pay for two months of his music therapy. The boy started his customized music therapy program in July 2019 and his parents are very pleased with the progress he has made since he started going to MSM’s music therapy studio. MSM provides this service at zero cost to his parents. The lodge also donated 60 custom-made double-sided quilts made of fleece, 30 tote bags and over a dozen knitted slippers. This donation was valued at $2,895 and MSM will distribute the gifts to the clients they serve during the Christmas season. 


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Austin Hollis of Boy Scout Troop #417 sponsored by Largo Elks Lodge #2159 was awarded his Eagle Scout rank at a ceremony held at the lodge Nov. 2. His project was the construction of picnic tables for visitors to Taylor Park in Largo, Fla., who are in wheelchairs. He earned 30 merit badges even though only 21 are required for the Eagle Scout rank. He has served as senior patrol leader and just finished serving the troop as junior assistant scoutmaster. He attends St. Petersburg College and is the eighth Eagle Scout from Troop #417.

Pictured are Rob James, scoutmaster; Austin Hollis, Eagle Scout; Janet Rogers, PER, lodge liaison to the troop; and Joe Fritz, assistant scoutmaster.


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On Halloween, St. Petersburg Lodge tried trunk-or-treating, a twist on the classic trick-or-treating which brings the ritual to the safety of a private and known parking lot by turning the backs of minivans, trucks and sport utility vehicles into the new front porch. From 6-8 p.m., members were loaded up with a large assortment of candies and watched kids trick-or-treat from car to car. Kids came in waves in pairs or by the dozens. Many of the neighborhood kids fully dressed in Halloween costumes attended. Lodge members socialized, had the opportunity to meet the lodge’s neighbors and showed off their creative themed trunks while seeing all the cute and scary costumes. Congratulations go to Deseray Masi, the winner of the best decorated vehicle in the inaugural event.

Pictured are Deseray Masi with Paula Cope.