Members of the Dixie Hollins High School Civitan Club served dinner Oct. 12 for the Ladies of Elks’ Not So Beauty Pageant event. The Civitan Club along with other DHHS clubs are raising money for their school’s golf cart to be replaced. It is used by their security guard to patrol the high school’s 65 acres. In Pinellas County, all schools now have a single point of entry and an armed security officer or school resource officer who patrols the campus. Civitan sponsor, Kim Cauler, was appreciative to receive $293 donated by the lodge audience.
St. Petersburg Lodge Exalted Ruler, Dawn Lieber, welcomes Dixie Hollins High School Civitan Club sponsor, Kim Cauler; chaperone, Chris Cauer; and club members Phoenix Eads and Alex Cauler to the lodge Oct. 12.
On Oct. 5, the younger millennials who have never heard of a Rambler or a Datsun 240-Z got to see them. A large crowd of Elks and the general public turned out for St. Petersburg Elks Lodge’s sixth annual classic car show and open house. Drivers and admirers roamed through the sea of classic and offbeat cars, quirky trucks, hot rods, customs, and classic muscle cars. Many reminisced and said they drove the roads as children or teenagers in these types of cars. Dash plaques were issued to the first 100 entries. Prizes were awarded to the car owners and trophies were awarded in various car categories including the coveted best of show. Exalted Ruler, Dawn Lieber, organized the event which was co-chaired by Sharon Literski, Lecturing Knight. Lodge volunteers set up tents, directed traffic and parking, and manned the beverage booths. Music from the 1950s was played by a DJ and the poolside grill and lodge menu tempted the attendees with American classics and more. Comunity members toured the lodge and received information about the Elks and their community projects. The event raised $855 for the Florida Elks Youth Camp and Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services.
As a last push to meet their goal of $2,000 for Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services (FECTS), the Tampa Ladies of Elks hosted a low country boil Sept. 13 at the lodge. With the support of the Ladies of Elks and fellow lodge members, they surpassed their goal. At the annual Florida Ladies of Elks conference in Daytona Beach, Fla., Tampa Ladies of Elks President, Jacquie LoCicero, presented a check for $2,500 for FECTS.
Tampa Elks Lodge #708 uses its Elks National Foundation Impact Grant for Club Chivalry for Successful Students, a high school club started by and sponsored by Elks. There is a new club sponsor this year – Caroline Hand. Summer is usually slow, but in August, four Elks went to the school prior to the start of the school year to help Ms. Hand inventory her supplies. The first club meeting was Sept. 16, and Ms. Hand said, “The meeting was AMAZING.” It was her first time seeing the Elks and the students interact. PERs Shelagh Gombarcik and Dee Cisneros did the heavy lifting and got the refreshments out of the walk-in cooler and into the school. Treasurer, Laura Jones, was there as the guest speaker. Helpers Carolyn Miller, Elma Kelly and Linda Peterson distributed refreshments and handled the door prizes. Also in September, there was a field trip to USF. The students toured the campus and dorms and had lunch in the Marshall Center. Forty students made the trip with three Elks among the chaperones. Tampa Elks also provided refreshments before the bus left the high school in the morning.
On Sept. 22, Seminole Lodge Exalted Ruler, Chris Hayes, and the lodge invited the Seminole Chiefs under-12 football team and cheerleaders to the lodge for a special presentation of two checks totaling $750. An additional $100 from members was raised after an amazing performance of dance and cheers.
On Sept. 8, Seminole Elks Lodge #2519 hosted a spaghetti dinner for The Movement School, a nonprofit organization that provides physical and occupational therapy free of charge in the community. All food was donated by the lodge and more than 120 dinners were sold, raising $1,657 for the school. The lodge is excited about this new partnership to show that “Elks Care and Elks Share.”