Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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1892 kunze

The Florida Health Care Association's Group presented the Volunteer of the Year Award for the state of Florida to Green Cove Springs Lodge members Penny and Rick Kunze during one of their monthly visits to Clyde E. Lassen State Veterans’ Nursing Home. The Kunzes accepted the award for their 14 years of monthly volunteerism at the nursing home on behalf of the Lodge, including hosting monthly bingo games, visiting residents with their service dogs in training, attending events, and coordinating fishing trips and outings for the veterans. On Aug. 23, the Kunzes presented the award to the lodge since it is a group volunteer award naming the lodge.

Pictured are Jennifer Parker, Exalted Ruler; Penny Kunze, and Rick Kunze, PER.


948 kits

On Aug. 30, Miami Lodge purchased and delivered 42 Welcome Home Kits to the veterans at Modern Towers in Homestead, in cooperation with the On Your Six Foundation. The lodge provided them with mattresses and everything they would need for bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. 

Veterans and members assisted in sorting as well as members Sharon Weiss, Ashley Rodriguez, Kat Poerschke, Tony Impellizzeri, Jody Impellizzeri, Maria Solomone (waiting to become a member) and PDD Jeff Muehlfeld.


948 tower

Miami Elks Lodge #948 used its Elks National Foundation Focus Grant Aug. 8-13 to shop, sort and deliver food, cleaning products and personal hygiene products to residents of Modern Towers, along with other donations from the VA ALLIANCE and other donations from grocery stores in the area. The lodge had enough items for 75 families. Modern Towers is an apartment complex that provides permanent housing for veterans and first responders who were previously homeless. The lodge had more than 25 volunteers, both Elks and non-Elks, who participated in this project.

Pictured are members Jody Impellizzeri, Kat Poerschke, Sharon Weiss, Carol Abelleira, Franci Pouza, PDD Jeff Muelfeld and Pauly De Beche.


1241 twins

Sanford Lodge provided its 17th ENVSC Welcome Home Kit to a female veteran who recently transitioned from homelessness into a home of her own. The kit provided her with many items needed in a new home. In addition, the lodge learned she would give birth to twins very soon and did not yet have a stroller or car seats. The lodge used $430 from its 2023 Swing 4 Veterans golf tournament to provide a travel double stroller and double car seats. The lodge also included a Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services “Advance My Baby” book. Donald Soderblom, Lodge Veterans Chair, delivered the kit to the Lake Baldwin VA facility Sept. 16.

Pictured with the donations are Stephanie Mohl and John Blasi, VA social workers.


829 bday 829 cake

On Aug. 7, Saint Augustine Elks Lodge #829 made its monthly visit to Clyde E. Lassen Veterans’ Nursing Home. On the first Wednesday of each month for approximately three years, a group of members have thrown a birthday party with cake, balloons and smiles for the residents. The veterans especially enjoy the conversations that take place.

Pictured are group leader, Randy Cook, PER, Leading Knight, and group members Dianne Cook, Elk and FLOE Treasurer; Vince Leth; and Michael Stallings, trustee. Also pictured is Randy Cook presenting the monthly birthday cake to retired Army Chaplain William J. Daniels.


2522 Purple Heart3

On Aug. 10, Inverness Elks Lodge #2522 sponsored a breakfast commemorating the 242nd anniversary of the Purple Heart and honoring America's fallen and wounded veterans. More than 80 veterans and guests, including local Purple Heart recipients and Gold Star family members, attended the event. Also in attendance were Congressman Gus Bilirakis, State Representative Ralph Massullo and Citrus County Commissioner Holly Davis. This event was the result of a dedicated and coordinated effort between lodge volunteers and scouts from lodge-sponsored Boy Scout Troop 302.

Pictured are event attendees.


2522 coal

On Aug. 19, Inverness Elks Lodge #2522 donated $1,010 to the Citrus County Veterans Coalition — $1,000 from the bingo committee and $10 from a bingo attendee.

Pictured are Jim Bell, member; Richard Floyd, Director of the Veterans Coalition; John Colasanti, member; Michael Orndorff, PER, Veterans Chair; John Miller, member; Richard Barmes, Treasurer; Debbie Ross and Jack Trafalski, members; Ed Torres, Exalted Ruler; and Jim Ross, member.


2753 vets

On July 27, Bonita Springs Estero Elks Lodge #2753 hosted a Christmas-in-July dinner dance, with 80 in attendance. Many attendees brought gifts for veterans at the Douglas T. Jacobson State Veterans’ Nursing Home — nine T-shirts, five tote bags, 10 electric shavers, 34 readers, 25 packs of razors, 18 packs of shaving cream, 63 deodorants, 65 toothpastes, 75 toothbrushes, 25 sets of toothpaste and brushes, 14 packs of dental floss, 36 combs, 127 pairs of socks, 27 crossword and word search books, 12 bags of sugar-free candy, six eight-packs of gum and 200 pencils.

Pictured Sept. 4 delivering the items, along with a $500 check, are Pete Thompson, Rufus Morse-Ellington and Phil Boucher. Receiving the check are two veterans and Jessa Atwell.


2787 spot

On July 2, Holley-Navarre Elks Lodge #2787 used its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Spotlight Grant to purchase sundries and small appliances for the first of two batches of 10 welcome home kits for local veterans. In addition to the grant, the lodge donated $500 from its charity account to bring the total to $2,500, which will serve 10 veterans, as each kit is worth about $250. Working with local veteran organizations, lodge members distribute the kits to veterans who are placed in housing.

Pictured are Tom Stevens, then-District Deputy and Leading Knight; Kris Kane, PER; Amber Jones, member; Rick Jones, Membership Chair and Veterans Services Chair; and Carol Borden, Gary Irons, and Beth Walker, members.


1241 kit

Sanford Lodge has partnered with the HUD-VASH at Lake Baldwin VA to assist veterans transitioning to permanent housing. Since April 26, the lodge has donated 13 Elks National Veterans Service Commission Welcome Home Kits to these veterans, which include some household necessities.

Pictured Aug. 12 is a VA social worker receiving a kit.


1241 leather

Sanford Elks Lodge’s Veterans Services Chair, Donald Soderblom, visited the Alwyn C. Cashe State Veterans' Nursing Home July 8 and provided various leather kits to residents. The kits were provided by the Elks National Veterans Service Commission’s veterans leather program.

Pictured is veteran and nursing home resident Woody with his leather wallet kit.


1892 ob1 1892 ob2

On Aug. 2, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 presented $1,000 worth of items to Operation Barnabas, an organization that provides support, mentorship and assistance to veterans. The items, including cleaning supplies, toiletries and food to help stock the agency’s pantry, were purchased with the Elks National Veterans Service Commission Freedom Grant. Additional items were donated by lodge members. Representatives of Operation Barnabas were guests of the lodge for dinner and spoke to the membership about the work they do in the community for local veterans and their families.

Pictured are Jennifer Parker, Exalted Ruler; Dina Sakowski, member; and Cathy Sanders, chaplain, organizing the items. Also pictured are Ed Weston, Northeast District Vice President; James Burse, operations manager; Jennifer Parker, Exalted Ruler; Hal Horton, mentor; and lodge member, Christopher Riendeau, food pantry coordinator.