Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
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                  221 vet 1 221 vet 2

          221 vet 3 221 vet 4

Jacksonville Lodge assisted its first female veteran with a Welcome Home Kit Jan. 19 to help her in her new home. She had graduated from the Northeast Florida Women Veterans program in 2023 and had moved into an apartment but then experienced a fire in October, which destroyed the building she had been living in. She was not home at the time but she lost everything and once again had to move into the women veterans shelter. For her new home, lodge members delivered the household items she requested, as well as a living room chair with ottoman, recliner, bed, TV stand, nightstands and lamps. She was also the first recipient of patriotic quilts, which were donated by a local group called Comfort n' Quilter. They donate quilts to charitable organizations.

Pictured are Donnie Rowand, House Committee Chair, with John Pipkins, trustee, and Karen Tracy, Veterans Services Chair. Also pictured are the veteran’s bedroom and living room after she organized those rooms.


                   2753 1 2753 2

On Jan. 30, five members of Bonita Springs-Estero Elks Lodge #2753 went to Douglas T. Jacobson State Veterans’ Nursing Home to entertain the veterans. They held karaoke, told jokes and visited with them. They also brought them blankets, pajamas, socks, personal hygiene items, 200 toothbrushes, 1,000 disposable razors and three cases of crossword books, valued at $1,000, all donated by lodge members.

Pictured are members Debra Boucher, Dennis Walker, Phyllis Steelsmith and Phil Boucher.


1529 van

Sebring Elks Lodge Veterans Chair, Brenda Walton, was contacted by Highlands County Veterans Association, requesting the help of the Florida Elks Army of Hope for an honorably discharged veteran in need of assistance. Fred Dubowsky has a wife who is disabled and a son who is also disabled and receiving Supplemental Security Income. The family’s 2012 van, which they have had for 10 years and which they had converted to enable his son to travel, became undrivable and needed more than $3,000 of repairs. on Jan. 27, the Army of Hope provided the funds needed for the family to have the van repaired at a local shop.

Pictured are Fred Dubowsky and Brenda Walton in front of his van.



On the evening of Jan. 18, Johnny Miller, VAVS representative, held a bowling event at Seminole Lanes in Seminole with 14 veterans from the C.W. Bill Young VAMC at Bay Pines. They really enjoyed bowling and pizza. Miller used $320 from his ENVSC funds.


221 shower2 221 shower 221 shower3

Using the Elks National Foundation Spotlight and Beacon grants, Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 held its fifth annual military baby shower Jan. 20. There were 81 guests in attendance, including 26 mothers. There were also 17 event volunteers. Blue Star Families of Jacksonville helped find the mothers to attend, most of which were active-duty military members. Rae Montgomery, Florida Elks Children's Therapy Services physical therapist, distributed copies of “Advance My Baby,” a book written by FECTS occupational therapists Jeanne Martin and Paula Tarver, and shared what she does with FECTS. Also attending the event were representatives from the local USO in Jacksonville. They held several raffles and gave out donated knitted baby hats. Lunch and desserts were donated by the volunteers. Guests played baby shower games and received prizes, also donated by our members, which included two diaper cakes. Mothers could choose crocheted baby blankets made and donated by two members and two burp cloths and two baby bibs, which were also made and donated by a member. They also received diapers and wipes, which members donated during the diaper drive. The mothers were so thankful and expressed their gratitude with lots of hugs. The lodge also plans to stay in touch with some of the mothers and hold a crochet class.

Pictured are attendees playing games and Rae Montgomery with FECTS books. Pictured with donated diapers are members Carmel Reed; Frances Fowler; Pam Haley, candidate; Rebecca Rue; Cheryl Kehl, Lecturing Knight; and Mark Thompson.


708 din

Tampa Elks Lodge #708 hosted six veterans from the VA domiciliary, along with their driver, Jan. 19, for the steak dinner. They enjoyed the food and attention very much. It was a small but fun group and they were very thankful. 


Bill Croy Vet Parade Marie Sellitto Elroy in jeep

On Nov. 11, Puta Gorda Elks Lodge #2606 participated in the annual Charlotte County Veterans Day Parade. Participants included Bill Croy, Elk of the Year; Marie Sellitto, Elkette of the Year; and Elroy the Elk (Dawn McIntyre). Riding on the float with the Elkettes were members who represent the different branches of military service. The lodge then held a ceremony afterward for their veterans. 


2469 lunch

On Nov. 11, Jupiter Elks Lodge #2469 hosted a luncheon honoring local veterans. Pictured are the member volunteers.


497 forgot

On Dec. 16, Pensacola Beach Lodge donated 165 gifts for the Forgotten Warriors program, which has a team of people who make monthly visits to veterans in local assisted living facilities. Lodge members wrapped all the gifts, which included a T-shirt and pin with their associated service, personal toiletries and slippers. Veteran spouses and widows received an American flag pin, anti-slip socks, hand lotion and lip balm.

Pictured are Jim Rodriguez, PER; Corinna Owens; AJ Peters; Ken “KB” Branch, PER, Leading Knight and State Membership Vice Chair; Wayne Levchik, Exalted Ruler; Shelli Branch; Michelle Pool; Carey Seigle, Forgotten Warriors founder and chair; Lisa Levchik, Secretary; and Will Berry, trustee.


2605 yeo

Orange Park Elks Lodge member Angela Myles volunteered to participate in the Ortega Elementary Career Day Nov. 21. She was a yeoman in the U.S. Navy for more than 20 years and retired as an E-7/YNC. She spoke to approximately 25 students in first through fifth grades. When they found out that she used to be in the Navy, they shared with her who served in their families, which included the Army, Marines and Navy. They discussed Iraq, what it looked like overseas, what the Purple Heart medal stood for and what it looked like. She brought several visual aids with her, which included rope, so they could tie a knot, and she brought examples of what knots the ships use. She showed them a statue of a female sailor and a lighthouse and explained the significance of a lighthouse. The students thoroughly enjoyed her presentation and had plenty of questions. Afterward, all 377 students at the school received a Drug Awareness red ribbon from the lodge.

Pictured is Angela Myles during her presentation to the students.



Orange Park Elks Lodge #2605 used a portion of its Elks National Veterans Service Commission Freedom Grant to purchase food for 100 Thanksgiving baskets for U.S. Navy active-duty families at the Naval Air Station in need of assistance. Alise Taylor-Sindab, Exalted Ruler, met with the Navy Wives Club of America, which oversees the food pantry, to take inventory of what was needed for the baskets. The lodge used a portion of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission Freedom Grant to purchase food. Members also donated food items for the baskets and helped restock the pantry. Lisa Green, Lecturing Knight, and Alise Taylor-Sindab shopped for the items, and several members assisted with organizing and packing the donations. The items were delivered to the Navy Wives Club at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville. Winn-Dixie donated 100 turkeys for the families. The families picked up their baskets the week before Thanksgiving.

Pictured are Alise Taylor-Sindab, Exalted Ruler, and Lisa Green, Lecturing Knight.


221 five

Throughout November, Jacksonville Elks Lodge members collected nonperishable food items and personal hygiene products for the food drive for the 5 Star Veterans organization.

Pictured are Suzie Loving, 5 Star Veterans; Carole Shapley, lodge chaplain; Karen Tracy, Lodge Veterans Services Chair; and Colonel Len Loving, USMC (Ret.), 5 Star Veterans.