Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

221 heritagecorner

On Aug. 17, Jacksonville Lodge presented an American Heritage Corner to the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department. Ninety people were in attendance, including community members, fire department members and lodge members. Documents in the American Heritage Corner include the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Monroe Doctrine, Gettysburg Address, Elks Resolution on Law and Order, and Elks Declaration of American Principles. Randy Wyse, President of International Association of Firefighters Jacksonville Local 122 and 32-year JFRD veteran, assisted in organizing the event.

Pictured are Carla Ray Rhymes, Americanism Lodge Chair; Tony Langals, Americanism Committee member and Inner Guard; and Ron Snelling, PER, retired JFRD firefighter.


221 cert

On July 27, Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 presented a certificate of honor to Duval Asphalt, an American-owned and Jacksonville-based company for properly flying the American flag. Duval Asphalt displays the largest flag in Jacksonville, and it is a significant icon in the city. Its presence commands immediate attention from those driving nearby and Naval aviation pilots flying into NAS Jacksonville. This company routinely replaces the flag to keep a crisp, beautiful flag displayed at all hours, and the flag’s presence instills patriotism and pride in workers at Duval Asphalt and other nearby businesses.

Pictured are Ralph DeCicco, PER; Karen Tracy, Veterans Chair; Mitchell Gant, Duval Asphalt VP; Paul Jergensen Duval Asphalt president; Bob Morgan, Flag Day Chair; Jennifer Garrett, Duval Asphalt director of marketing and business development; Tony Langals, Inner Guard and Americanism Committee member; Carla Ray Rhymes, Americanism Chair; Eli Smith, future Elk; Kayla Smith, lodge member; and Robin Pipkins, Leading Knight.

On July 15, St. Augustine Elks Lodge #829 donated its facilities to the Signal 34 Foundation Inc. for a benefit for Sgt. Michael Kunovich, a St. Johns County Sherriff officer who died on duty. The lodge also donated $1,000 from its charity funds. According to its Facebook page, the Signal 34 Foundation was “founded by officers for officers who have suffered serious injuries in the line of duty.” Approximately 100 people were in attendance.


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Jacksonville Lodge held its Flag Day ceremony June 11 for 75 attendees, including lodge officers, members, family, armed forces members, veterans, police officers and representatives from Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). Lodge members provided “About Our Flag” brochures, “Honor Our Flag” decals and flag lapel pins. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Color Guard performed, led by Lt. Elizabeth Kenny; St. Johns County Sheriff Deputy Rust Burns; and Bob Morgan, Flag Day chair. Afterward, there was a fireside burning of 52 unserviceable flags, and the lodge hosted a buffet for all in attendance.

Pictured are the color guard; Carla Ray Rhymes, Americanism Chair, with Wally Banks, Jacksonville Police Officer, who won the flag giveaway; and Karen Tracey, Esquire and Veterans Services Chair.


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On May 20, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 used a portion of the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to sponsor a patriotic-themed event for children at the Green Cove Springs Library. More than 70 participants received books and American flags, played games, made crafts, visited with face painters and balloon artists, took photos with Wonder Woman, and enjoyed ice pops. They also participated in a Kids Choice Awards voting exercise, provided by the Clay County Supervisor of Elections Office. Sixteen lodge members and volunteers along with two Green Cove Springs Police Department officers supported the event by greeting families and assisting with activities. Jennifer Parker, library branch manager and Leading Knight, delivered books and materials from the event to the local Head Start program for their pre-k students.



Green Cove Springs PD Officers Milliken and Vanhof and Exalted Ruler Lynn Elrod posing with Wonder Woman

Lodge members Eddie and Barbara Thompson assisting the Orvosh family at a craft table

Supervisor of Elections Community Service Coordinator Heather Stewart assisting families at the voting machine

Head Start Center Manager Marisol Buitrago and Library Manager Jennifer Parker, Leading Knight