Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

1892 band

The Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge Past Exalted Rulers Association, on behalf of the lodge members, presented a $1,000 check Feb. 27 to the Fleming Island High School marching band to help fund their upcoming trip to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York.

Pictured are Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler; Tamara Ward, band booster president; Jenni Massey, band booster vice president; and Paul Orvosh, PDD.



On March 6, Orange Park Elks Lodge #2605 donated $500 to Community Health Outreach at their facility in Jacksonville. CHO is a nonprofit organization that feeds the hungry, heals the sick and clothes those in need. They offer vital services, including free groceries, free medical and dental care, and free infant care supplies.

Pictured are Les Hester, CHO executive director; Patricia Helms, lodge member and CHO volunteer; and Alise Taylor-Sindab, Exalted Ruler.


1892 tur

Pictured Nov. 17 are Eric Thorsen, House Chair; Green Cove Springs Police Officers Milliken and Kummoung; and Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler, delivering dozens of turkeys for Thanksgiving to local residents. The turkeys were purchased thanks by the Lodge Past Exalted Rulers Association.


1892 tree

Members and volunteers from Green Cove Springs Lodge were among those who spent three Saturdays in November setting up 227 Christmas trees in Spring Park. Each tree was then decorated by families, businesses and organizations.

Pictured are volunteer coordinators Laquetta Willimon, trustee, and Joy Elrod, Loyal Knight.


    1892 bingo 1 1892 bingo 2

On Oct. 26, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 held a charity bingo night to support Clay Cates Boutique. This project, led by Clay High School freshman Maggie Mosley and counselor Dana Brock, provides toiletries, food and clothing to students. The lodge donated $1,500 as well as boxes of donated items from lodge members. 

Pictured are the approximately 70 bingo attendees and volunteers. Also pictured are Randolph and Louisa Padgett, grandparents of Maggie Mosley; Mary Bolla, school board member and lodge member; Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler; Maggie Mosley; Kelly Mosley, mother of Maggie Mosley; Dana Brock, counselor; Jennifer Halter, principal; and Ed Weston, PER, bingo chair.