On Dec. 14, Jacksonville Lodge hosted a children’s Christmas party for 10 local families, funded by the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. A total of 24 children and their families attended the party, along with several staff members of the Hogan Spring-Glen Elementary School, where the children attend school. Children and parents enjoyed lunch provided by the lodge and making craft ornaments to take home. There was face painting and story time, and each child picked out several new books to take home. Santa Claus visited with each child and gave them coloring books, crayons and candy canes. Gifts for the children included all new toys, books, bicycles and clothing. Sixteen volunteers shopped for and wrapped gifts, prepared lunch, and participated in the party. Parents secretly picked up their families’ gifts for the children from the side door of the lodge and placed them in their car trunks at the end of the party so their kids would be surprised Christmas morning. Betsy Bryant organized the event.
Pictured are children with Santa.
Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 held a Clays for Kids fundraiser Nov. 23 at Jacksonville Clays Target Sports. Eight participants and two children of one participant attended. Sponsors Brooks Rehabilitation, Fickling Construction and Distinctive Dentistry by Mullen & Nguyen helped raise $3,072.77 for Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services. Stephen Wilson organized the event.
Pictured are the participants.
On Dec. 10 and Dec. 17, Green Cove Springs Elks visited seven schools to deliver approximately 600 jewelry gift bags to teachers and staff for the holidays. The jewelry came from a distributor donation to the Elks.
Pictured at Grove Park Elementary are Justin Jones, principal; Shadreka Smith, assistant principal; Laquetta Willimon, trustee; Ed Weston, District Vice President; and Michael Rogers, teacher.
In November and December, Green Cove Springs Lodge held a food drive for Green Cove Springs Food Pantry and an angel tree gift drive to support Quigley House, a local women's crisis center. The lodge collected more than 300 gifts for local families and 550 pounds of food. The items were presented to the organizations Dec. 18.
Pictured are Angelica Schriefer, Quigley House Grants Specialist; Sally Thorsen, volunteer; Jackie Krug, Quigley House Development Director; Eric Thorsen, House Committee Chair; Nancy Klopfenstein, member and pantry volunteer; Gale Klopfenstein, House Committee member and pantry volunteer; Jennifer Parker, Exalted Ruler; Stuart Williams, Leading Knight; Diane Watson, Secretary; Barbara Thompson, House Committee secretary; and Eddie Thompson, member.
St. Augustine Elks Lodge #829 held its third annual Jeep Show Oct. 27 with a trunk or treat for kids. There were decorated Jeeps, Halloween decorations, pumpkins for painting and lots of candy. The event raised $2,650 for two local Title 1 Saint Johns County elementary schools.
Pictured are children painting pumpkins.