The Northeast District hosted the district Hoop Shoot Dec. 9 with 7 youth participating at Fletcher High School Gym in Neptune Beach. There were 36 people in attendance, including 13 Elks. Moving forward to the state’s regional contest were Luca Debelen, 8-9 boys, representing Jacksonville #221; Zoey Fitch, 8-9 girls, representing Green Cove Springs #1892; Reece Taliman, 10-11 boys, representing Gainesville #990; and Hayden Heavener, 12-13 boys, representing Jacksonville #221, last year's Florida state champion who went to the national Hoop Shoot.
Pictured are all the contestants with members Bill Senterfitt, PER; William Layton; Lynn Elrod, Green Cove Springs Lodge Exalted Ruler; David Graham, PER, Jacksonville Lodge Exalted Ruler; Elroy the Elk; Deborah Reedy, Jacksonville Lodge Secretary; and Brent Reedy, Northeast District Hoop Shoot Chair.
On Oct. 4, Wayne Reyes, PDD, right, Exalted Ruler of Saint Augustine Elks Lodge # 829, presented a check for $500 to Greg White and Dwala Willis of the American Legion Post #194 to support the Kids Safe Zone program established at the post.
On Aug. 11, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 used a portion of the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to provide 25 tote bags to the local senior center. Each patriotic-themed bag contained snacks, household items and a grocery store gift card.
Pictured are Bob Russell, House Committee chair; Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler; and Dianne Schwab, senior center advisory council member.
On Sept. 2, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 held a dock party in support of their lodge scholarship fund. Attended by almost 200 members and guests, the event raised $2,300.
Orange Park Elks Lodge #2605 held its annual fall school supplies drive for Ortega Elementary School, a Title I school in Jacksonville, Florida. Members donated supplies throughout August. On Sept. 6, Alise Taylor-Sindab, Exalted Ruler, delivered the more than 288 items, including notebook paper, spiral notebooks, pencils, folders, backpacks, markers, erasers, pencils, pencil sharpeners and crayons.
Pictured are Traci Taylor, parent liaison; Michelle Tibbitts, paraprofessional; and Alise Taylor-Sindab, Exalted Ruler.